Thursday, January 3, 2008

Psalm 3

This is a Psalm written by King David when he was pursued by his own son. David's son Absalom betrayed him and wanted to kill him. The betrayal of his own son, the pursue of his enemies and the fear of being killed have caused david to feel hopeless and miserable. But david choosed to trust that God would deliver him so he was not fearful.

verse 3 "but you are a shield around me..."

When we are in a helpless situation, we can overcome fear by trusting God for his protection in our darkest hour. Our God is a god that answers prayer, he will not leave us in the dark.

verse4 "To the Lord i cry aloud, and he anwers me from his holy hill."

With God's assurance, we are able to have peace even when the situation looks bad. Our peace come fron the Lord and not ourselves.

verse 5-6 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.

I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.

Sometimes bad things happen to us without reason, we cannot understand why but we can choosed to trust that God's plans for us are always good. He will never put us in situations that we cannot handle. God has promised us that He will never forsake us so we can seek HIm for deliverance just like what King David has done. We must put our hope in the Lord and we will never feel hopeless . If He can create heaven and earth, i guess nothing is impossible with God, right!!!

verse 8 From the Lord comes deliverance....

God bless

Lye Lin

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